A Mont­pe­lier gas sta­tion was robbed Wednes­day night and police are look­ing for the man who did it.

Mont­pe­lier Police say a white male entered the Valero Main Stop just past 10pm on Wednes­day, grabbed a sta­tion employee and made off with cash and three car­tons of cig­a­rettes.

Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, the only two peo­ple in the store at the time were the rob­ber and the employee, who was not injured.

The thief is described as taller than 6 feet with a medium-to-large, non-muscular build. He had a five o’clock shadow, acne scars on his face and dirty blonde or light brown hair.

He also had tat­toos on his fore­arms, which were described as old and faded with no color.

After rob­bing the store, the thief took off on foot and they think he may have got­ten into a wait­ing vehi­cle.

If you think you might have infor­ma­tion, con­tact the Mont­pe­lier Police Depart­ment or Williams County Crime Stoppers.

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