A total of $170,000 was raised by The 8th annual ProMed­ica Defi­ance Regional Hos­pi­tal Pro-Am golf tour­na­ment Fri­day at the Eagle Rock Golf Club in Defi­ance.

$55,000 of that money was raised on Thurs­day evening at the Pro-Am din­ner and auc­tion.

All the money raised will go to Kaitlyn’s Cot­tage on the cam­pus of the hos­pi­tal. Kaitlyn’s Cot­tage was estab­lished two years ago as a short-term and overnight respite facil­ity for per­sons with cog­ni­tive and phys­i­cal dis­abil­i­ties.

84 golfers par­tic­i­pated in the tour­na­ment and 230 peo­ple attended the din­ner and auction.

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