Quadco Reha­bil­i­ta­tion Cen­ter board mem­bers learned at their meet­ing on Tues­day that the Mama DeLuca’s® Pizza Now! store in Stryker led all of the franchise’s stores in net sales in 2012.

The man­ager of the pizza store as well as the SUBWAY® Restau­rants oper­ated by Quadco, told the board mem­bers that the Stryker Mama Deluca’s® had the great­est per­cent­age of growth of any fran­chise store in the past year.

Mama DeLuca’s® Pizza Now! is a co-brand of SUBWAY® Restau­rants. Quadco opened the pizza shop in 2009, next to the SUBWAY® Restau­rant they own and oper­ate in Stryker.

Both oper­ate as restau­rants for the com­mu­nity and as a place where indi­vid­u­als with dis­abil­i­ties receive job train­ing while work­ing in an inte­grated com­mu­nity set­ting.

In addi­tion to the restau­rants in Stryker, Quadco also oper­ates two addi­tional SUBWAY® Restau­rants in the Bryan and Defi­ance Wal­mart stores.

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