A West Unity man pleaded no con­test to charges related to his part in the Arch­bold Ele­va­tor cor­rup­tion probe.

The Ful­ton County Prosecutor’s Office announced Mon­day that 36 year old Todd Gerig pled no con­test to attempted delayed price agree­ment. Pros­e­cu­tors dropped addi­tional charges against Gerig.

The Bryan Times reports that Judge James E. Bar­ber has ordered a pre-sentence inves­ti­ga­tion before a sen­tenc­ing date is set.

Gerig’s co-defendant and for­mer Arch­bold Ele­va­tor offi­cial, 55 year old William Fricke of Wauseon, pled no con­test and was found guilty in August of mul­ti­ple charges. Fricke too is await­ing sen­tenc­ing.

A case against another co-defendant, 60 year old Steven A. Brink of Arch­bold, is pending.

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