Grant Money For Park Work

Edgerton is getting a little help from the state for their Gerhart Park project. Gov., DeWine and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Director, Mary Mertz announced $1.7 million dollars in NatureWorks grants throughout the state…which will support 68 outdoor recreation projects in 62 counties. Edgerton has one of those projects, receiving $10,520 dollars for a project at Gerhart Park…for picnic tables and Americans with Disabilities Act seating around the park and playground.” The total cost for the project is estimated at $36,266. Village officials have applied for grants for all but $8,000. So far, it has received a total of $13,020 in grant funding, counting the NatureWorks grant. Some of the benches could be in as early as the end of the year with the first $2,500 grant they received.

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