The Defiance County Health Department says that changes are coming and they will alter its public mission. Many of the immunizations now offered by the health department will not be available there.
Because the Affordable Care Act now covers immunizations at 100 percent, the Health Department will not be giving children’s immunizations, except for the Vaccines for Children (VFC) patients, which include those on Medicaid and those who have no insurance.
Kim Moss, the Defiance County health commissioner said the department used to give thousands of flu vaccines. “Now it is between 200–250 a year. That is because flu vaccines are available at pharmacies everywhere,” she said.
Pharmacies start giving their flu vaccines early in the fall and we can’t start ours until our vaccines arrive in October.
Moss said not having to devote time and funds to giving vaccines will give the department more time to pursue its community health plan that is being put together after all of the data from the health assessment is studied.
One health concern for the county is obesity. “We will have to retrain our people and perhaps hire different people for different jobs. We will be working on this in the next six months,” said Moss.