Heating Assistance Program Nearing End

The Win­ter Cri­sis Pro­gram ends on April 15. The pro­gram is designed to pro­vide assis­tance to cus­tomers that are threat­ened with dis­con­nec­tion, have already been dis­con­nected, need to estab­lish new ser­vice or are in need of propane, fuel oil or any other bulk fuel.

Income guide­line for the pro­gram is at 175 per­cent of the fed­eral poverty guide­line.

If you need more infor­ma­tion or you need help, call any one of the fol­low­ing num­bers, depend­ing on your loca­tion:

In Williams County, call 419–636-4924. In Defi­ance County, 419–784-2150; Ful­ton County, 419–337-8601; Henry County, 419–599-2481; and in Pauld­ing County, 419–399-3650.

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