The Henry County Chamber’s annual Christ­mas orna­ment is now avail­able.

This year’s orna­ment fea­tures the Trail Drive-In. The orna­ment is mist blue in color with black and gold let­ter­ing and design. Each orna­ment is $9.

There is only a lim­ited amount of orna­ments avail­able for pur­chase and in recent years, orna­ments have sold out.

If you want to pur­chase one, stop in the cham­ber office at 611 N. Perry St., Napoleon, or call 419–592-1786.

The cham­ber still has a very lim­ited num­ber of past year’s orna­ments in stock, includ­ing the Henry County Cour­t­house, 1989; Welling­ton Hotel, 1992; First Pres­by­ter­ian Church, 1993; Henry County Sheriff’s Office/Jail, 2000; Henry County Flag, 2002; Hol­gate Tigers, Lib­erty Cen­ter Tigers, Napoleon Wild­cats, Patrick Henry Patri­ots and North­west State Com­mu­nity Col­lege, 2004; County Home/Country View Haven, 2006; Camp­bell Soup 50th Anniver­sary, 2007; and State The­ater, 2011.

Some orna­ments will be pack­aged in spe­cial groups and will be sold at a discount.

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