The Ohio State High­way Patrol says a Hicksville man was badly hurt in a two-vehicle col­li­sion Tues­day after­noon in Defi­ance County. It hap­pened around 3:30pm at Cicero and Arrow­smith roads in Mil­ford Town­ship.

A 2012 Ford Mus­tang head­ing east on Arrow­smith Road ran a stop sign and col­lided with a 2004 GMC Sierra that was trav­el­ing north on Cicero Road.

The Mus­tang dri­ver, 20 year old Quen­ton Yoder of Hicksville, and the Sierra dri­ver, 50 year old Greg Bany of Edger­ton, were both wear­ing seat belts accord­ing to police.

Yoder was flown to Parkview Hos­pi­tal in Fort Wayne.

Bany was taken to Hicksville Hos­pi­tal and then trans­ferred to another hos­pi­tal.

The crash remains under investigation.

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