Hicksville schools need more room

Hicksville’s Board of Edu­ca­tion is con­sid­er­ing expand­ing school facil­i­ties, after the Super­in­ten­dent brought up the con­cern of hav­ing out­grown the cur­rent accom­mo­da­tions. Super­in­ten­dent Keith Coun­try­man told the board they need more room for a preschool pro­gram and fund­ing is avail­able. There’s a need for more high school rooms and units for the dis­abled. Other sug­gest included a larger weight room, more gym space and a wrestling prac­tice room. He said the cur­rent prac­tice area is a for­mer con­ces­sion stand at the park, which is imprac­ti­cal and cold. The board allowed Coun­try­man to con­tact archi­tects, who will do pre­lim­i­nary sketches of the plans, and con­sider pos­si­ble costs for such a project.

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