Hillsdale County Woman Hit By Gunfire

A Hills­dale County woman was flown to a Toledo Hos­pi­tal after she was shot in the chest while her daugh­ter was tar­get shoot­ing at their home. It hap­pened on West Bear Lake Road, as 46-year-old Jen­nifer Nay­back was walk­ing in front of her home, when she was struck by a bul­let from a nine mil­lime­ter hand­gun fired by 27-year-old Aleeah Wayne, who was in the woods tar­get shoot­ing. Wayne told inves­ti­ga­tors that she was shoot­ing at steel tar­gets when she heard a scream com­ing from the road. She ran to find her mother hit by a bul­let. Nay­back was treated at the scene and then flown to St. Vin­cent Mercy Hos­pi­tal in Toledo. The inci­dent remains under investigation.

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