A home exploded early Wednes­day morn­ing near Lib­erty Cen­ter, killing one per­son and seri­ously injur­ing another.

Police say it hap­pened around 7:30 yes­ter­day morn­ing at a home on County Road 9 and the blast could be heard as far away as Ridgeville Cor­ners.

63 year old Judy Gar­wood died, and the home­owner, 73 year old Steven Collins was taken by ambu­lance to Henry County Hos­pi­tal, then taken by air ambu­lance to St. Vincent’s Hos­pi­tal in Toledo where he was listed in fair con­di­tion Wednes­day night.

The Henry County Sheriff’s Office reports that debris from the explo­sion was found as far as a quar­ter mile away from the house.

No offi­cial cause has been listed yet, and inves­ti­ga­tors, includ­ing some from the Ohio Bureau of Crim­i­nal Inves­ti­ga­tion are going through the debris, try­ing to sort it all out.

Fire depart­ments from Lib­erty Cen­ter, Napoleon, Ridgeville and Delta, along with the Henry County Sheriff’s Office all responded to the explosion.

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