Hospital Alliance Announced

A part­ner­ship has been announced between Cameron Memo­r­ial Com­mu­nity Hos­pi­tal and Parkview Health, and accord­ing to Inside Indi­ana Busi­ness, the move will cut down on paper­work, and also per­mit Cameron to take part in group pur­chas­ing, while at the same time, allow the hos­pi­tal to remain a “strong, inde­pen­dent, crit­i­cal access hos­pi­tal.” The new part­ner­ship will also give Cameron Memo­r­ial access to Parkview Com­mu­nity Con­nect, the elec­tronic health records sys­tem for inde­pen­dent physi­cians and hos­pi­tals through­out the region. In a state­ment issued to the press, Parkview Health CEO Mike Pack­nett said that the new align­ment will help Parkview fur­ther their mis­sion, while simul­ta­ne­ously sup­port­ing Cameron Memo­r­ial Com­mu­nity Hos­pi­tal, and the res­i­dents of Angola and Steuben County.

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