Injury Crash Involves Sheriff

Two people were seriously hurt in a crash involving two motorcycles and the sheriff of Paulding County, Saturday afternoon north of Hicksville.

According to an Ohio State Highway Patrol news release:

At about 2:59 p.m., Jeremy E. Hughes, 41, of Antwerp, was traveling southbound on a 1997 Harley Davidson on Ohio 49, south of Ohio 249, in Milford Township, Defiance County.

Behind him on a 2006 Harley Davidson was Jason K. Landers, 45, of Antwerp, who is the Paulding County sheriff. While attempting to pass, Landers’ vehicle struck Hughes’ on the left side, causing Hughes to lose control of his motorcycle.

The motorcycle ridden by Hughes fell on its left side and traveled off the right side of the roadway, causing Hughes and his passenger, Emily J. Hughes, 36, of Antwerp, to be ejected. Landers and his passenger, Jayme J. Landers, 42, of Antwerp, were able to maintain control and come to a safe stop shortly after the impact.

Jeremy Hughes was transported by Mercy Health Life Flight and Emily Hughes by Samaritan Air Ambulance, both to Parkview Regional Medical Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana, with serious head injuries. The Landerses were not injured.

Assistance at the scene was provided by the Defiance County Sheriff’s Office, Hicksville Fire Department and EMS. The crash remains under investigation.

The Ohio State Highway Patrol encourages drivers and passengers to always wear their helmets and to never drive distracted or impaired.

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