It Was A Close Vote!

One vote really can make a dif­fer­ence…

Accord­ing to a release by school offi­cials, a recount Mon­day morn­ing showed that the Millcreek-West Unity Local Schools safety and secu­rity levy failed by a sin­gle vote. The final vote count came in at 355 for and 356 against the levy.

The school dis­trict was seek­ing a 0.9-mill tax levy to fund the posi­tion of school resource offi­cer.

On elec­tion day, the unof­fi­cial tally was 355 votes for and 351 against. The dif­fer­ence came from the addi­tion of absen­tee and pro­vi­sional bal­lots counted after­ward. The auto­matic recount came up with the same results too.

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