If voters in the Bryan City School District approve the bond issue on Tuesday’s ballot, the existing middle school would be retained, but would be renovated specifically for preschoolers through fifth graders.
A new, two-story school would be built for grades six to 12 southeast of the middle school, and would include classrooms, along with a gymnasium and other common areas.
According to a report in the Bryan Times, the school board and administration will seek out experts in various fields, such as land development, roofing, heating, ventilation and air conditioning and other specific areas of design and construction.
Although many details of the grade six to 12 school have not yet been decided, school officials do say it will be a two-story building with separate classroom and common areas including a gymnasium, media center, cafeteria, student dining area, and facilities for music and visual arts.
It’s all in the hands of district voters, who will make the final decision next Tuesday.