Kasich Is In It

Ohio Gov­er­nor John Kasich offi­cially announced his pres­i­den­tial run Tues­day. In an speech at Ohio State Uni­ver­sity that described the woes of Amer­i­cans wor­ried about lost jobs, health care costs and crush­ing stu­dent debt, Kasich also tried to strike an opti­mistic note. High­light­ing his expe­ri­ence work­ing with for­mer Pres­i­dent Ronald Rea­gan, the for­mer con­gress­man said he has the right resume to serve as the com­man­der in chief. Kasich also spoke at length about the need for com­pas­sion from pub­lic offi­cials as well as the impor­tance of reli­gious faith in his life. The gov­er­nor joins fif­teen other can­di­dates hop­ing to cap­ture the GOP nod, and he entered the race just one day after a new Wash­ing­ton Post/ABC News poll showed Don­ald Trump top­ping the field in the GOP primary.

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