The Lib­erty Cen­ter Local Board of Edu­ca­tion is ask­ing res­i­dents for their input and thoughts about the loca­tion of a pro­posed new pre-kindergarten through grade 12 school.

On Tues­day night, many showed up at a meet­ing to offer just that.

The first 85 min­utes of the school board’s meet­ing Tues­day evening was allot­ted exclu­sively for pub­lic com­ment, and that entire time was filled with ques­tions and dis­cus­sion from the audi­ence.

The bulk of the dis­cus­sion cen­tered on the two major options — Option Black, a one-story build­ing located on an unde­ter­mined generic new site; and Option Orange, a two-story build­ing located on the exist­ing school prop­erty.

Both facil­i­ties would have an area of about 151,000 square feet and cost nearly $37 mil­lion. The Ohio Facil­i­ties Con­struc­tion Com­mis­sion has com­mit­ted to fund 64 per­cent of the non-locally funded ini­tia­tives, or about $23.4 mil­lion of that total cost.

But a third option has sur­faced called the “Tiger Plan.” It is much like Option Orange, but with­out con­struct­ing swing space to hold classes dur­ing the build­ing process.

The board has sched­uled a spe­cial meet­ing for Dec. 6 at 6:30 p.m for fur­ther discussion.

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