Lights Out In Auburn

About 6,000 Auburn Elec­tric Util­ity cus­tomers lost power Mon­day night as the tem­per­a­tures dipped to well below zero.

The city’s util­ity is fed power by Indi­ana Michi­gan Power, and that feed was bro­ken and the whole city was affected.

The the out­age at the Auburn sub­sta­tion occurred at 6:35 p.m. yes­ter­day and most peo­ple had power again by 1 this morn­ing.

Some peo­ple were said to be dri­ving around in their cars to stay warm, and at least one school opened a shelter/warming sta­tion about 9:15 p.m. Offi­cials had planned to open a warm­ing cen­ter at the high school but the boil­ers quit work­ing there.

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