This guy has a rather inter­est­ing address…

A home­less man who is sub­ject to court orders related to a sex crime con­vic­tion has reg­is­tered his address as beneath the Clin­ton Street bridge in Defi­ance. He says that’s his home, and the court says if it is, then he must observe a mid­night cur­few there.

24 year old Dustin Wrob­lewski was sen­tenced to a four-year prison term back in 2008 on a charge of gross sex­ual impo­si­tion after being con­victed of sex­ual con­tact with a girl under the age of 13.

Wrob­lewski was then clas­si­fied as the most strin­gent clas­si­fi­ca­tion of a sex­ual offender, requir­ing him to reg­is­ter his address every 90 days for the rest of his life.

Now, accord­ing to the sex­ual offender reg­is­tra­tion and noti­fi­ca­tion web­site of the sheriff’s office, which con­tains infor­ma­tion about every con­victed sex offender in Defi­ance County, Wroblewski’s address is listed as “N Clin­ton Street (Under bridge)(HOMELESS).

Accord­ing to the Defi­ance County Sheriff’s Office, Wrob­lewski has reported liv­ing under the bridge since June 19.

Wroblewski’s post release con­trol requires him to be sub­ject to a cur­few and remain on GPS monitoring.

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