You gotta play to win as they say…

Defi­ance res­i­dent Dwight Bowen has, for the sec­ond time within four years, won the $200 mil­lion Extreme Cash game prize of $50,000 a year for 20 years, or $1 mil­lion.

The 65 year old Bowen,had a win­ning ticket in the Ohio Lottery’s scratch-off $200 mil­lion Extreme Cash game and ver­i­fied it at the regional Ohio Lot­tery office in Toledo this week.

Bowen chose the lump sum pay­ment, which means he gets $355,000,“

He says when he won in 2009, he was given $345,000. The tick­ets cost $10 each. He says he bought the ticket to give to his wife, Mon­ica as a Sweet­est Day present.

The cou­ple says they plan now to stop buy­ing any more tick­ets.

Bowen is a Johns Manville retiree after 44 years of ser­vice and a Viet­nam vet­eran, who bought the win­ning ticket at the Defi­ance Party mart, which will receive $10,000 for sell­ing the win­ning ticket.

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