Man Almost Burns House Down While Burning Spiders With Torch

Don’t try this at home…

Author­i­ties say an Indi­ana man set his house on fire… while using a blow torch to remove spi­der webs.

Fire­fight­ers were called out for a fire reported to be in the walls of a home in rural DeKalb County.

The home­owner told fire crew mem­bers he had been burn­ing out spi­der webs with a blow torch in the base­ment, and he thought the fire was out, but then dis­cov­ered that the insu­la­tion had caught fire.

The house sus­tained exte­rior dam­age and inte­rior smoke dam­age.

Author­i­ties say one per­son liv­ing there suf­fered com­pli­ca­tions from the smoke, but declined treat­ment at the scene.

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