Man Being Hunted For Murder Spotted in Napoleon

A man who is on the run, and described as a mur­der sus­pect by police, was spot­ted last week­end in Napoleon. It was around 8:45 last Sat­ur­day morn­ing, when Romualdo Cor­doba Jr. i was seen in Napoleon in the park­ing lot at Wal­mart. Since then how­ever, local law enforce­ment author­i­ties believe he has taken off and is no longer in the area. Cor­doba is con­sid­ered armed and dan­ger­ous. If you know his where­abouts, you should defini­nitely not approach him, and just call police imme­di­ately. Cor­doba allegedly shot and killed 27-year-old Joshua McJil­ton early Sat­ur­day morn­ing out­side DB Down­town Bil­liards on Depot Street in what has been called a domes­tic dis­pute involv­ing his wife. McJil­ton was shot in the leg and in his chest. He died at Ful­ton County Health Cen­ter. Cor­doba fled and sparked a nation­wide man­hunt. Any­one with infor­ma­tion on Cordoba’s where­abouts is asked to call Wauseon Police.

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