A Hav­i­land man is dead after being involved in a one-vehicle crash Thurs­day.

The Ohio High­way Patrol says 63 year old Tim­o­thy Palte died Fri­day of injuries he received in the craxh on Ohio 613 near Pauld­ing County Road 95 last Thurs­day after­noon around 5 o’clock.

Police say Palte’s vehi­cle was west­bound on Ohio 613 when it crossed the cen­ter line and hit an embank­ment, eject­ing Palte from the vehi­cle.

He was taken by ambu­lance to Pauld­ing County Hos­pi­tal and later trans­ferred to Parkview Hos­pi­tal, Fort Wayne, where he was pro­nounced dead.

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