Memorial Day Activities

Memo­r­ial Day is a time to remind our­selves of the mean­ing of sac­ri­fice.

Across the nation, cit­i­zens were mark­ing Memo­r­ial Day with somber cer­e­monies, flag plant­i­ngs at ceme­ter­ies, parades and even bar­be­cues.

Pres­i­dent Obama arrived in Afghanistan to speak with troops and visit sol­diers being treated at a base hos­pi­tal.

In Mass­a­chu­setts, a Boston Marathon sur­vivor and his res­cuer helped plant tens of thou­sands of flags Sat­ur­day at a ceme­tery to honor sol­diers.

All gov­ern­ment agen­cies in the United States are fly­ing their flags at half-staff today in obser­vance of Memo­r­ial Day.

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