As of New Years Day, Ohio became one of more than a dozen states which raised the min­i­mum wage.

Most work­ers on min­i­mum wage will see an increase from $7.85 to $7.95 per hour for non-tipped employ­ees, and from $3.93 to $3.98 per hour for tipped employ­ees.

But the increase is only a state increase, not a fed­er­ally man­dated increase.

The Asso­ci­ated Press reports that the Wash­ing­ton, DC-based Eco­nomic Pol­icy Insti­tute esti­mates 330,000 work­ers in Ohio will ben­e­fit directly from the wage hike.

Under the new min­i­mum wage, a full time employee will now earn $16,500 a year in Ohio.

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