Missing Student Found Safe

In Edon, the search for a miss­ing per­son is over, and for­tu­nately, the news is good.

Edon Police say a young per­son left school and just walked into the woods north of Walz Park on Thurs­day.

Police searched the area, then called for more help from other area law enforce­ment agen­cies.

The search, accord­ing to the Bryan Times, got under­way around 9:20 a.m. and it was about two hours later when they got a call via 911reporting a child walk­ing unat­tended along the road­way nearly two miles north­west of Edon.

That’s where the youn­ster was found, unin­jured. There were no crim­i­nal com­plaints con­nected with the youth’s dis­ap­pear­ance, and police say it was a school related issue that led to it. No charges have been filed.

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