Moment Of Silence Held To Honor Paulding Graduate Killed In Tennessee

At it’s meet­ing this week, the Pauld­ing Exempted Vil­lage Board of Edu­ca­tion hon­ored Navy Petty Offi­cer 2nd Class Ran­dall Smith, a 2007 Pauld­ing grad­u­ate, who was killed in the shoot­ings in Chat­tanooga, Ten­nessee last Thurs­day, with a moment of silence and a pre­pared state­ment. School board pres­i­dent Jim Foltz led the moment of silence to start the meet­ing, and then read the pre­pared state­ment. Ran­dall is sur­vived by his mother and father; his wife, Angie; and three young daugh­ters. A memo­r­ial ser­vice in Smith’s honor will be held at Pauld­ing High School Aug. 1 at 11 a.m.

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