Montpelier Man Going To DC

Montpelier’s own Jef­frey Erb of Saneholtz-McKarns Inc. is head­ing to Wash­ing­ton, D.C. at the end of the month to par­tic­i­pate in the National Retail Federation’s leg­isla­tive fly-in, the Retail Advo­cates Sum­mit.

Erb will join over 150 small busi­ness own­ers, entre­pre­neurs, Main Street mer­chants and com­mu­nity retail­ers for edu­ca­tion ses­sions, net­work­ing, as well as grass­roots advo­cacy activ­i­ties on the retail industry’s top pub­lic pol­icy pri­or­i­ties.

Along with attend­ing this year’s fly-in, Erb is also in the run­ning to be rec­og­nized as America’s Retail Cham­pion, a new pro­gram NRF cre­ated this year to rec­og­nize out­stand­ing retail indus­try and small busi­ness advo­cates. The Cham­pion will be named dur­ing the Summit.

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