Montpelier Village Council Meets… Approves Budget

Montpelier’s 2014 bud­get is now a done deal.

Mem­bers of the Mont­pe­lier Vil­lage coun­cil sus­pended the sec­ond read­ing and passed the 2014 appro­pri­a­tion bud­get at Monday’s meet­ing.

Total appro­pri­a­tions for 2014 amounts to $17,307,863 (from $14,994,668 in 2013).

Garbage pickup the week of Thanks­giv­ing is as fol­lows…

Those who nor­mally have their garbage picked up on Thurs­day will have it picked up Wednes­day. Dur­ing the week of Christ­mas and New Year, those with garbage picked up on Wednes­days will have it picked up Thurs­days (Dec. 26 and Jan. 2, 2014) and those with garbage picked up on Thurs­days will have it picked up on Fri­days (Dec. 27 and Jan. 3, 2014.)

The Bryan Times reports that Mont­pe­lier Coun­cil also awarded the bid at yesterday’s meet­ing, for a switch gear for the sub­sta­tion project to Pepco Energy Ser­vices for the amount of $506,476 on the rec­om­men­da­tion of Spec­trum Engineering.

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