Get ready to hun­ker down!

The National Weather Ser­vice says we’re in for a sig­nif­i­cant snow­fall tonight and Sat­ur­day.

Fore­cast­ers say cur­rent com­puter mod­els indi­cate a potent upper air dis­tur­bance over south­ern Cal­i­for­nia will lift north­east through the Ohio val­ley on Sat­ur­day.

That means, a band of sig­nif­i­cant snow­fall is likely to develop tonight and con­tinue into Sat­ur­day after­noon here in our area.

Cur­rent pro­jec­tions call for a poten­tial for 4 to 6 inches of snow in many areas, how­ever, small fluc­tu­a­tions in the track and inten­sity of this sys­tem could sig­nif­i­cantly alter poten­tial snow accu­mu­la­tions, either up or down.

A spe­cial weather state­ment has been issued for coun­ties in Ohio includ­ing Defi­ance, Henry, Pauld­ing, Put­nam, Ful­ton, Williams, and Allen.

If you plan to travel tonight or tomor­rown, you should pay atten­tion to fore­casts and weather state­ments. And of course, keep your radio right here for the lat­est updates.

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