Auburn already is known in many cir­cles as the unof­fi­cial auto museum cap­i­tal of Indi­ana.

Begin­ning in 2015, that city will have a new one. It will be housed in the old Auburn Elec­tric Co. power plant just across the park­ing lot from the Auburn Cord Due­sen­berg Museum and the National Auto­mo­bile and Truck Museum on Wayne Street.

Cross­roads Motor­cy­cle Museum will dis­play clas­sic and vin­tage motor­cy­cles and host monthly cycling-related activ­i­ties.

When in full oper­a­tion, they hope to have as many as 200 bikes of all makes on dis­play.

To keep the bike dis­plays fresh, museum orga­niz­ers plan to work out an exchange pro­gram with the Bar­ber Motor­cy­cle Museum in Birm­ing­ham, Alabama.

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