Movement Underway To Have Rock Destroyed

We told you recently about the memo­r­ial rock that was removed from in front of a Pauld­ing school after alle­ga­tions that the per­son it hon­ored, the late Don Schnepp, was accused of sex­u­ally abus­ing some stu­dents years ago.

On Tues­day evening, David Kinkade of Defi­ance appeared before the Pauld­ing Exempted Vil­lage Board of Edu­ca­tion to per­son­ally ask the board to have that stone destroyed, after alleg­ing that he him­self was molested by the for­mer Pauld­ing teacher while a stu­dent there in the early 1980s.

Another for­mer stu­dent, Barry Vance, has also come for­ward with alle­ga­tions against Schnepp, say­ing he was raped by the for­mer teacher back in 1982.

Kin­cade, on Tues­day, asked the board to destroy the rock hon­or­ing Mr. Schnepp and not do any future memo­ri­als to him. Kinkade also pre­sented the board a peti­tion signed by 579 peo­ple ask­ing that the memo­r­ial rock remain per­ma­nently removed from school property.

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