Napoleon Coucil Meets, Discusses Sewers

Napoleon coun­cil met on Mon­day and went over plans to han­dle sewer line repairs, and just who will be held respon­si­ble for the cost of those repairs.

Coun­cil directed staff to come-up with a writ­ten pro­ce­dure to address the issue, most likely a fund from a monthly charge on sewer bills which would be uti­lized for res­i­dents that have sewer repairs on city prop­erty.

Coun­cil feels that res­i­dents that have sewer prob­lems on their own prop­erty should still have to shoul­der respon­si­bil­ity for that, them­selves.

A res­o­lu­tion was approved Mon­day night to apply for $500,000 in fund­ing in the ‘safe routes for schools’ grant pro­gram.

A first read­ing was approved for a new con­tract for fire and res­cue ser­vice with Napoleon, Har­ri­son, and Free­dom Town­ships; along with the south Joint Ambu­lance dis­trict.

Napoleon Coun­cil also, on Mon­day night, approved the pro­posal from Gray­bar Elec­tric, to upgrade light­ing in the city build­ing, at a cost of $27,427.

And Coun­cil took no action on sev­eral liquor license applications.

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