A meeting was held Wednesday afternoon in Napoleon, where the Henry County Regional Water and Sewer District went over the results of a water supply study. Tom Poggemeyer, of Poggemeyer Design Group Inc., from Bowling Green, told the group that one issue with a ground water facility, may be dealing with residents of Providence Township in Lucas County. He said he met with the Providence Township trustees to inform them about the study and said while they were very pleasant, and very nice to deal with, they didn’t think that we were going to be well received. He said it’s something they will need to be prepared to deal with as a group and is part of some of the next discussion that needs to take place. He says that there is a perception that the village of Whitehouse sucked everybody’s wells dry. Whether it’s right or not doesn’t matter said Poggemeyer, because that’s what they think. He said even if it can be shown scientifically to them that that’s incorrect, perception is the problem that must be overcome.
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