Dis­patch ser­vices was the big topic of con­ver­sa­tion Wednes­day evening dur­ing a spe­cial meet­ing of the Napoleon City Coun­cil.

The mayor told coun­cil that he esti­mates the city could save between a half and three quar­ters of a mil­lion dol­lars over a four year period if it were to con­tract with Henry County for dis­patch ser­vices.

He said that over a 10-year period, the city’s sav­ings could be between $2.1 and $2.6 mil­lion.

Dur­ing a pre­vi­ous coun­cil meet­ing, the city man­ager esti­mated the city would save between $50,000 and $65,000 dur­ing the first year of the nego­ti­ated con­tract with the county and between $73,000 and $88,000 each of the sub­se­quent years of the contract.

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