New ODOT Buildings Planned

The Ohio Depart­ment of Trans­porta­tion plans to begin con­struc­tion soon on a new Pauld­ing County main­te­nance garage and a new out­post in Hicksville. The Cres­cent News today reports that the new Pauld­ing County garage will be built on Wayne St. in Pauld­ing, the site of the exist­ing garage. A new out­post in Hicksville will be located next to the Hicksville High School, and will replace the cur­rent facil­ity located on Ohio 18. The cost esti­mate of the Pauld­ing County garage is pegged at $8.5 mil­lion. Esti­mated cost of the out­post is $3.5 mil­lion. Con­struc­tion on both projects is sched­uled to get under­way on August 1st, and be com­pleted in about a year and a half.

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