New WEDCO Coordinator To Be Chosen Soon

The Williams County Eco­nomic Devel­op­ment Cor­po­ra­tion (WEDCO) hopes to have its next coor­di­na­tor in place by Feb­ru­ary.

The Bryan Times reports that the dead­line for appli­cants was Dec. 31st. Since then, the search com­mit­tee has reviewed the resumes and now they have nar­rowed the list down to who they feel are the most qual­i­fied appli­cants, who will be called up for the first round of inter­views soon. Once that round of inter­views has been com­pleted, a sec­ond round will take place before a final deci­sion is made.

WEDCO hopes to have the posi­tion filled by early next month. The posi­tion became avail­able after the board and for­mer coor­di­na­tor Dia­mond Zim­mer­man parted ways, fol­low­ing her arrest last fall on an OVI charge.

Zim­mer­man will be in Bryan Munic­i­pal Court on Jan­u­ary 20th to face that charge. She has already pleaded not guilty.

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