Continental Village Council met this week, and learned of what will likely be a pretty stiff increase in health insurance rates for village employees. Jonathan Fortman of Fortman Insurance of Ottawa, told council about a 22.4 percent increase in the village’s employee health insurance premium through Medical Mutual Insurance. Currently, employees have a $2,500 deductible for a single person, with the village picking up $2,000 of that cost after $500 is paid. For a family, the deductible is $5,000, with the village paying $4,000 after $1,000 deductible is paid. Fortman told council that he requested that the insurance company reduce the increase in premiums, but he says they refused because they say they have paid out too many claims. Now, one option to decrease the cost increasing the deductible. Another option would be to have employees make co-pays. Fortman said things will change again in 2017, and not for the better either, when ObamaCare rules will kick in and leave villages with even higher costs.
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