ObamaCare Blamed For Double Digit Insurance Hikes In Continental

Con­ti­nen­tal Vil­lage Coun­cil met this week, and learned of what will likely be a pretty stiff increase in health insur­ance rates for vil­lage employ­ees. Jonathan Fort­man of Fort­man Insur­ance of Ottawa, told coun­cil about a 22.4 per­cent increase in the village’s employee health insur­ance pre­mium through Med­ical Mutual Insur­ance. Cur­rently, employ­ees have a $2,500 deductible for a sin­gle per­son, with the vil­lage pick­ing up $2,000 of that cost after $500 is paid. For a fam­ily, the deductible is $5,000, with the vil­lage pay­ing $4,000 after $1,000 deductible is paid. Fort­man told coun­cil that he requested that the insur­ance com­pany reduce the increase in pre­mi­ums, but he says they refused because they say they have paid out too many claims. Now, one option to decrease the cost increas­ing the deductible. Another option would be to have employ­ees make co-pays. Fort­man said things will change again in 2017, and not for the bet­ter either, when Oba­maCare rules will kick in and leave vil­lages with even higher costs.

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