Ohio FFA State President Is A Local

Matthew Klopfen­stein, a 2014 Wayne Trace grad­u­ate, is the newly elected Ohio FFA state pres­i­dent, after being elected by del­e­gates at the 87th State FFA Con­ven­tion. Now, his job is to travel the state, vis­it­ing chap­ters and con­duct­ing work­shops, and also serv­ing as the del­e­gate for Ohio at the National FFA Con­venc­tion. There are 24,000 FFA mem­bers in Ohio. The Pauld­ing native says he hopes as state pres­i­dent he can help build up sup­port for FFA, improve the state offi­cer team and be an advo­cate for the agri­cul­ture indus­try. Klopfen­stein will be enter­ing his sopho­more year at the Ohio State Uni­ver­sity, major­ing in agri­cul­tural engi­neer­ing as he per­forms his pres­i­den­tial duties. He says he plans to con­tinue as a part-time stu­dent, while at the same time, work­ing closely with his pro­fes­sors to bal­ance his busy schedule.

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