Ohio safe rooms rebate program taking applications now

The risk of Ohioans fac­ing an F5 tor­nado is real, and now Ohioans can apply to get up to 75 per­cent of the cost of a safe room paid for by the state. The pro­gram by the Ohio Emer­gency Man­age­ment Agency is now tak­ing appli­ca­tions. The rebate allows for the pur­chase and con­struc­tion or instal­la­tion of a tor­nado safe room for Ohio home­own­ers. Appli­ca­tions are due Feb. 10th at 5 pm. The appli­cants will be cho­sen by a com­put­er­ized ran­dom selec­tion and cho­sen home­own­ers will be emailed after Feb­ru­ary 15th. To apply, visit https://ohiosharpp.ema.state.oh.us/SafeRoom2016.

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