One Dead Two Critical in Turnpike Crash

Two peo­ple remain hos­pi­tal­ized with life-threatening injuries at a Toledo hos­pi­tal fol­low­ing that hor­rific crash Sun­day night on the Ohio Turn­pike at Swan­ton. Traf­fic headed east were nar­rowed to a sin­gle lane in a con­struc­tion zone, and a semi trac­tor trailer dri­ver did not real­ize traf­fic had slowed ahead, and plowed into the back of a car dri­ven by a 58 year-old man from Salem named Robert Mel­nick, who was killed. The semi con­tin­ued to plow ahead involv­ing 5 more vehi­cles for a total of 7. The big truck dri­ven by a Min­nesota man and the car with the fatal­ity ended up in a ditch off the road. Two peo­ple were life-flighted to Mercy St Vin­cent in Toledo seri­ously injured. Three peo­ple went to St Luke’s in Maumee with less seri­ous injuries.

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