Patrick Henry Also Faces Levy Question On Ballot

Patrick Henry School Dis­trict vot­ers are among many local vot­ers fac­ing ques­tions about whether to renew an oper­at­ing levy.

On the Nov. 4 bal­lot is a 5.47-mill, three-year levy, which accord­ing to county offi­cials, gen­er­ates $746,765 annu­ally. A per­son own­ing a house appraised at $100,000 pays $167.51 a year.

If vot­ers renew it, that deci­sion would mark the first renewal of the levy, and the tax would then be col­lected from 2016 to 2018. The cur­rent levy expires at the end of 2015.

The school dis­trict is mainly in Henry County, but some res­i­dents of Wood and Put­nam coun­ties also will be vot­ing on the levy.

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