Paulding Cracks Down On Trucks

The Pauld­ing Vil­lage Coun­cil passed an ordi­nance at their meet­ing this week, des­ig­nat­ing cer­tain streets as no through truck routes dur­ing con­struc­tion of the sewer’s sep­a­ra­tion project on North Williams Street. The new ordi­nance says that no through truck routes will be des­ig­nated with signs to be posted at entrance points to the streets indi­cat­ing that such traf­fic is pro­hib­ited. The ordi­nance will not apply to vehi­cles owned or oper­ated by the vil­lage, pickup trucks or vans. Any­one caught vio­lat­ing the ordi­nance will be fined no more than $150 for the first offense. A sec­ond offence could land you 30 days in jail and a fine of no more than $250. Sub­se­quent vio­la­tions within a year, means you could go to jail for 60 days and be fined no more than $500.

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