Paulding Inmate Van Crashes

A Pauld­ing County Sheriff’s Office pris­oner trans­port van crashed on Mon­day, injur­ing a Pauld­ing County offi­cer and five inmates. It hap­pened at the inter­sec­tion of Ohio 613 and Ohio 637 around 8AM Mon­day, when another vehi­cle dri­ven by 49 year old Mark Rol­ston of Michi­gan, failed to yield to the trans­port van, dri­ven by 45 year old Sgt. Chris Dilling. Rolston’s vehi­cle slammed into the side of the van, push­ing it off the road, where it then flipped. The van was trans­port­ing eight inmates from the Put­nam County Jail to Pauld­ing County for court appear­ances. All nine peo­ple in the van escaped with minor injuries. Rol­ston was not injured. His was cited for fail­ing to yield. Alco­hol is not believed to be a fac­tor in the crash. The inves­ti­ga­tion is continuing.

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