Pedestrian Accident Leaves Two Injured In Bryan — Cell Phone Blamed

Bryan Police report that two peo­ple were injured Mon­day morn­ing when a man dri­ving an SUV attempted to answer his cell phone.

It was just min­utes before noon on Mon­day, when 78 year old Made­lon Sals­bury and 58 year old Kim Walker were walk­ing across West High Street from Com­mu­nity Hos­pi­tals and Well­ness Centers-Bryan to the Bryan Med­ical Cen­ter.

That’s also when police say 57 year old Carl Dick­in­son was dri­ving west on West High Street as his cell phone rang and he answered it. That, accord­ing to police, caused Dick­in­son to misss the flash­ing yel­low cau­tion lights at the cross­walk.

Accord­ing to wit­nesses, he never stopped until after the women were hit.

Sals­bury was flown to Parkview Hos­pi­tal in Fort Wayne where she was listed in crit­i­cal con­di­tion as of Tues­day after­noon.

Walker was also taken to Parkview by ambu­lance. She was listed in fair con­di­tion Tues­day after­noon.

Dick­in­son was cited for fail­ure to yield the right of way to pedes­tri­ans in a crosswalk.

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