Plea Deal Reached In Gas Station Robbery

A guilty plea on Mon­day in Steuben Cir­cuit Court in con­nec­tion with the attempted rob­bery of a Marathon gas sta­tion back in Feb­ru­ary. 19-year-old James Michael Moore of the Angola area, admit­ted guilt in con­nec­tion to a Level Three felony of attempted rob­bery. In exchange for his guilty plea, pros­e­cu­tors will dis­miss five counts of theft and a sex­ual bat­tery case. Under terms of the plea agree­ment, Moore will serve four years of a ten year sen­tence and be placed on pro­ba­tion for six years. He would also retain the right to ask for the time to be served in Com­mu­nity Cor­rec­tions.
Judge Allen Wheat took the plea agree­ment under advise­ment. A sen­tenc­ing hear­ing is now set for Novem­ber 23rd, but the jury trial that had been sched­uled for Octo­ber 14th will now not be necessary.

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