Putnam County Gets Grant For Recycling

Put­nam County is get­ting $100,000 from the Ohio Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency for a glass recy­cling ini­tia­tive which will kick off on June first.

The money will be used to pur­chase glass col­lec­tion bins and roll-off con­tain­ers and upgrade the present trans­fer sta­tion.

The announce­ment Wednes­day came fol­low­ing a year in which Put­nam County had no mar­ket for recy­cled glass, and there­fore, had been tak­ing it to the Han­cock County Land­fill.

In fact, Put­nam County sent about 140 tons of recy­cled glass to the Han­cock County Land­fill over the past year.

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