Quadco Has A Plan

Quadco Reha­bil­i­ta­tion Cen­ter is work­ing on a plan that will com­ply with new Med­ic­aid con­flict of inter­est rules affect­ing county boards of devel­op­men­tal dis­abil­i­ties across the state and the coun­try. At their reg­u­lar Admin­is­tra­tive and Non-Profit Board meet­ing on Tues­day, board mem­bers learned that the cen­ter is plan­ning to pri­va­tize their ser­vices, just as many county boards are doing, to be in com­pli­ance with the rules. The new rules essen­tially say that an entity, such as a county board, that pro­vides case man­age­ment ser­vices to the peo­ple they serve can­not also pro­vide other ser­vices, since that could cre­ate a con­flict of inter­est. Some peo­ple appar­ently feel that Quadco, which was cre­ated before the county board sys­tem was formed in the state, could be con­fused as a sim­i­lar entity. With that in mind, the cen­ter is now work­ing with an admin­is­tra­tive law firm in Colum­bus who has been work­ing with over 20 other county boards in the state who are devel­op­ing sim­i­lar plans to also develop one for Quadco that should sat­isfy any con­cerns of com­ply­ing with the new rules. The next meet­ing of the board will be on August 25 at noon in the Stryker con­fer­ence room.

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