Quadco Meets — Hears Results Of Yearly Audit

Mem­bers of Quadco Reha­bil­i­ta­tion Center’s Admin­is­tra­tive and Non-Profit Boards heard the yearly audit results at their reg­u­lar meet­ing on Tues­day.

Jim Rensi from the Cer­ti­fied Pub­lic Account­ing firm of Lud­er­man and Konst in Defi­ance said, “It’s a clean opin­ion, an unqual­i­fied report.“

In his report, Mr. Rensi noted that the cen­ter has had a cou­ple of chal­leng­ing finan­cial years back-to-back where they have had to use much of their reserved resources.

But he also men­tioned that it has been nine months since the end of the fis­cal year that was cov­ered by the audit, and in those nine months he has seen a sig­nif­i­cant drop in losses at the cen­ter after expenses were cut by reduc­ing staff and insur­ance costs.

Mem­bers of the Williams County Board of Devel­op­men­tal Dis­abil­i­ties toured QRC last week, accord­ing to Bill Priest, direc­tor of mar­ket­ing.

He said the board mem­bers saw the work done by the Art Club and learned about the bird col­lage that had been dis­played at the Parkview Physician’s Group in Bryan recently. The paint­ing was included with other art­work done by mem­bers of the Black Swamp Art Guild and sold within a short time.

The group stopped for lunch at QRC’s SUBWAY Restau­rant and Mama DeLuca’s Pizza Now! in Stryker. They took a tour after lunch.

The group then went to North­west Prod­ucts and watched as peo­ple worked at a vari­ety of jobs there.

The Cruise-in on July 11 report­edly went very well, with more than 40 clas­sic cars, trucks, hot rods and other vehi­cles that came for the show that day.

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